Shroomlicious Meals

"We love plants but we looooveee Mushrooms!"
Shroomlicious Meals is a plant-forward meal prep company that highlights the delicious and versatile flavors of mushrooms and other plant-based meals. Shroomlicious Meals is founded by your favorite auntie and nephew, Daishu and Lopez, the ultimate culinary duo. Daishu is the plant-based cook of the two while Lopez is your fun dancing pescatarian. This family duo came together to offer delicious meal preps for people interested in living a more plant-forward life and those who are transitioning into a plant-based journey.
Shroomlicious Meals is a fun and creative way to offer more convenience to your daily routine while exposing you to different types of plant-based meals. The ultimate goal is to bring light to creative eating by exposing the community to the beauty of mushrooms, plants, and everything in between.
Vegetarian or pescatarian ("Your favorite Auntie and Nephew are bringing you all the shroom action with their plant-forward meal prep service while offering limited options for our pesci friends.")